About Us


We’re an organization founded on the basic principle that good men suffer when other good men stand idly by. Most of us, having emigrated from Haiti, now look back to the island of our birth to see beautiful people, a beautiful culture, but so much need. Our primary goal is to address the issue of medical care on Tortuga Island and neighboring provinces. We need to serve a population of over 60,000, who are at any given moment more than 3 hours away from the nearest medical facility, if the transportation is available. For most Tortugais, a trip to the hospital means an hour’s walk , a 20 minute motorcycle ride followed by an hour and a half on a boat. The knowledge of a singular fact drives TIU: in matters of life and death, failure is not an option.


Inequality within the health care system continues to be the greatest destroyer of opportunity for those in poverty. This is especially true in a country like Haiti. Our response to this challenge? As natives of Ile de La Tortue, we want to use our educational earnings for public good and the advancement of society as a whole.

Based in Naples, Florida, Tortuga Island United was launched in April 2020 with a transformational objective: to build a community hospital in La Tortue to help save lives, especially the lives of children.

With a group of volunteers from different backgrounds, we aim to improve people’s health and well-being. Consequently, by launching TIU we believe that our responsibility to the poor is “a matter of justice, not charity.