All Donations Go Towards Bringing Accessible Health Care To Tortuga Island Haiti

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$TIU509 or
(407) 493-4786

Sponsor An Event

Each year we host events to raise awareness and funds for our causes. Every dollar raised goes towards helping build a hospital or one of our other initiatives on Tortuga Island, Haiti. 

Become a Sponsor

Our Vision

Our vision for the island is one where men, women and children can get access to the medical services they need in a safe and timely manner.


The only way to make this happen is to take action!

Every penny goes to buying materials and paying for workers to get the hospital built. And every dime given gets TIU closer to our goal of providing medical services to the people of La Tortue. We have been breaking ground with a combination of personal contributions from partners and friends and very simple fundraisers on platforms such as Gofundme. Long before even laying the first stone for the building’s foundation, we’ve already begun the work needed to bring medical care to La Tortue.